When Did Pokémon Cards Come Out? What was the First? A Brief History From Base Set to Insane Prices.

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Pokémon cards came out in 1996 in Japan, and were then first released in the United States (as the Pokémon Base Set) in 1999. Amazingly, these cards not only continue to thrive, but also serve as the driving force behind the highest-grossing media franchise worldwide.

In fact, in 1996, that seed planted in Japan would sprout into one of the most thrilling and profitable trading card games the world had ever seen. Today, we embark on an unforgettable journey through the captivating realm of Pokémon.

Unveiling the Pokémon Base Set

Imagine holding a booster pack in your hands, filled with anticipation. Inside this treasure trove lie 102 cards, introducing a captivating array of the original 150 Pokémon creatures to the trading card game.

Read More: 1999 Pokémon Booster Packs

Each booster pack contains 11 cards with different rarities, marked by enchanting symbols on the bottom right corner. These symbols represent the “Common,” “Uncommon,” and the most coveted of them all, the “Rare” cards.

  • Common = Circle
  • Uncommon = Diamond
  • Rare = Star

Opening a pack reveals five common cards, three uncommon cards, two basic energy cards to empower your Pokémon, and one rare card. In every third pack, though, he true addiction awaits—an extraordinary “Holographic” Pokémon card…

The Enchanting World of Holographic Pokémon

Holographic Pokémon possess an undeniable uniqueness, adorned with a star-like pattern that brings them to life. With a mesmerizing 3D-like effect, the artwork sparkles and leaps for an enchanting site.

Among holographic Pokémon are beloved favorites including Mewtwo, Raichu, and Ninetales. However, the most sought-after are none other than the majestic Venusaur, the mighty Blastoise as pictured above, and the ultimate treasure—Charizard!

Read More: Rare Pokémon Cards from 1995

These creatures represent the “Starter” evolutions of the beloved Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander, respectively.

In the video games, players choose one of these three Pokémon to embark on their adventures. Then, trough battles and trials, these Starters evolve into the awe-inspiring Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard.

The Pokémon Card Game

The excitement doesn’t end with collecting alone. Behind every booster pack’s promise of “11 additional game cards” lies an enthralling card game experience with thrilling battles against other players, following a wide array of strategic rules.

As a brief rundown, select your chosen card’s attack, and strategically attach energy cards that feature representing the respective Pokémon’s elemental type—Water, Grass, Fire, and more.

The Base Set also introduces “Trainer cards,” featuring humans and machines from the Pokémon universe ready to lend their support during card battles.

These Trainer cards add another layer of strategy and excitement to the game, enhancing the overall experience.

The Legendary Charizard and the Rise of 1st Edition

The 1st edition stamp alone can skyrocket the value of any Pokémon card, with Charizard serving as an astounding example.

The difference between a meticulously preserved 1st edition Charizard card and its unlimited counterpart can amount to tens of thousands of dollars!

But the allure of 1st edition cards extends beyond Charizard. Other holographic cards with the 1st edition stamp also carry hefty premiums, turning the pursuit of these treasures into an exhilarating adventure.

Shadowless Printing Variations

The fun doesn’t end there, though—let’s unravel the mysteries of accidental printing variations within the card game’s first set, the legendary “Shadowless” error.

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During the initial release, a limited number of Pokémon cards were printed without the “shadow” graphic on the right side of the artwork, inadvertently enhancing their appeal.

Similar to 1st edition cards, these shadowless cards fetch significant premiums for collectors. However, it’s important to note that not all shadowless cards are 1st edition, and vice versa.

Exceptions include the holographic Pokémon card known as “Machamp,” featured in a game deck. Identifying these variations adds a thrilling dimension to the pursuit of rare Pokémon cards.

Enduring Popularity and the Market Surge

As the popularity of the Pokémon franchise continued to soar, captivating sets like Jungle and Fossil were printed in English shortly after the release of the Base Set. Despite a slight dip in popularity during the early 2000s, the Pokémon trading card game persevered, captivating millions of fans worldwide and generating substantial revenue for the Pokémon Company.

What once seemed like a passing trend has evolved into an extraordinary and enduring phenomenon, captivating the hearts and imaginations of trainers and collectors across the globe.

Read More: How to Get Cards Graded

In recent years, the Pokémon card market (like the sports card market) has witnessed an unprecedented surge in prices, surpassing all expectations. Collectors, people trying to flip Pokémon cards, and enthusiasts find themselves immersed in a whirlwind of bidding wars and jaw-dropping sales, as Pokémon cards command mind-boggling prices.

The demand for these treasured pieces of nostalgia has skyrocketed, with rare and sought-after cards fetching astronomical sums. Iconic cards like Charizard from the Base Set have become the crown jewels of Pokémon collections, reaching astonishing heights in value.

The Factors behind the Pokémon Card Price Surge

The surge in Pokémon card prices can be attributed to several factors.

The nostalgia factor plays a significant role, as adults who grew up with Pokémon now have the means and desire to revisit their cherished memories through collecting.

Furthermore, the increasing visibility of Pokémon in popular culture, including collaborations, live-action movies, and competitive gaming events has amplified the franchise’s appeal and drawn in a wider audience.

Another crucial factor driving the staggering prices is the scarcity of certain cards. As time passes, cards become harder to find in pristine condition, leading to a limited supply of highly sought-after editions.

This scarcity, combined with collectors’ fervor, fuels intense competition and drives prices to dizzying heights.

Cherished Collectibles and Valuable Assets

The phenomenon of Pokémon card prices reaching insane levels has created a dynamic and ever-evolving market. Auction houses, online platforms, and specialized events have become battlegrounds for collectors vying for the rarest and most valuable cards.

Yet, amidst the frenzy, the passion for Pokémon and the joy it brings remain at the heart of this remarkable craze.

Pokémon cards have solidified their status as cherished collectibles and valuable assets, forever captivating collectors and preserving the magic of the Pokémon universe.

As the franchise continues to appeal to new generations and the card game evolves with innovative releases, the world watches with bated breath to see where this unprecedented surge in prices will lead.

One thing is certain: Pokémon cards have left an indelible mark, forever enchanting collectors and ensuring the legacy of Pokémon lives on.