

Advertise with Ballcard Genius

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BallcardGenius.com saw over 100,000 users in the month of July 2023 (source: Google Analytics). Covering everything from grading to best cards to buy, and everything in between, it’s the perfect opportunity to get in front of thousands of hobbyists each and every day.

We offer post sponsorships, improved list ranking and visibility, banner ads, and more. If interested in advertising, have questions or need more info, please get in touch.

While options vary by page, duration, and other factors, advertising can include, as an example:

Leaderboard 728×90 Banners: Starting at $50/Month per Page

Leaderboard ads sit at the top of each page to the right of the Ballcard Genius Logo. Price varies depending on page and traffic. Exclusive; one leaderboard banner per page. Design by Ballcard Genius is available for an additional cost.


Post Sponsorships: Starting at $150/Month per Page

Sponsor any post on Ballcard Genius and receive a “Sponsored by” callout under the affiliate disclosure at the top of each post with nofollow/sponsored link and blurb. Exclusive; one sponsor per post.


Sponsored by: This post is sponsored by BallcardGenius.com, an expert in sports card related content. Exclusive to Ballcard Genius readers, take $20 off any purchase of $100 or more with promo code BALLCARDSLAM before March.

Premium List Placement: Varies

Premium list placement is available on any post or page that lists different services, apps, and products. These lists are in random order, but you can subscribe to priority placement. Gold $250/month, Silver $100/month, and Bronze $50/month. Gold listings will appear at the top of the list, followed by silver, and then bronze. There can be multiple listings in each service level, with priority based on first come, first serve.


Sponsored Posts: Starting at $250/Post

Not to be confused with post sponsorships, sponsored posts is a full and complete post provided by you, subject to editing by Ballcard Genius. (Links will be marked as nofollow/sponsored). Idea generation and SEO services can be added for an additional fee.

Pop-Up Advertisement: Starting at $100/Post

Pop-up advertisements can be placed on a post and triggered when a user as scrolled at least 50% of the page. These can be image or text-based ads with a CTA or multiple CTAs. Design by Ballcard Genius is available for an additional cost.

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