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Bo Jackson Black & White Card Values & Why 1990 Score is the Most Famous of Its Kind

In 1990, Score produced what is now one of the most valuable cards from the 1990s—a black and white Bo Jackson wearing shoulder bats and posing with a baseball bat behind his head and across his shoulders. It was different then, and still iconic now. Here are the 90-day average values for the card in […]

Bo Jackson Black & White Card Values & Why 1990 Score is the Most Famous of Its Kind Read More »

Why the Sepia Refractor is the Most Frustrating of all of the refractors

The Sepia parallel is a type of Topps refractor that can be found in various baseball card products. This includes Topps Chrome and Stadium Club. Sepia refractors have a reddish-brown reflective finish, just as the name suggests with the card resembling sepia tone photographs with the same coloring. Now that you hopefully know what I’m

Why the Sepia Refractor is the Most Frustrating of all of the refractors Read More »

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