
What is the M1NT Case & Display?

Ryan Barone
(@ballcardgenius, Card Expert) is a lifelong member of the hobby. He has been quoted in PSA Magazine, and his content has regularly been mentioned in “Quick Rips” (the Topps RIPPED Newsletter) and across other hobby publications. hello@ballcardgenius.com; Last Time Ago LLC dba Ballcard Genius.

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The M1NT case is a stainless steel and sapphire glass holder that has reimagined what card cases should be. In terms of presentation, the M1NT case offers “high-clarity” glass exterior and a “museum-grade acrylic interior.” That museum-grade acrylic also provides 99% UV protection, in addition to a water and scratch-resistant glass exterior.

The M1NT display elevates that protection and presentation with an electromagnetic security lock, LED backlighting, and side panel light controls.

To be honest, it’s really difficult to summarize all the M1NT is said to offer, so I encourage you to check out their site to see all that is coming down the pike once the products release.

I’m just really excited for the launch, and totally feel the fact that cards have come so far, but cases and presentation options haven’t, really. Yes have have toploaders and semi-rigid holders, along with a number of ways to store and display cards in “bulk” (not to mention storage cabinet options), but nothing that you’d really love to hang on a wall that wasn’t your personal office.

For all of your questions, M1NT has put together a nice FAQ with detailed answers. Here is a summary of what I feel are the most important questions.

Is M1NT the Minty Fresh Grading Guru?

No, thankfully. Meaning, I’m really excited for new grading companies like TAG and Rare Edition, and while not saturated, I’d love to see how the grading company market shakes out with the current players.

So with that said, M1NT isn’t in the grading game. Instead, they’re all about jazzing up your card collection with a snazzy product range. That said, M1NT is buddying up with grading companies to make sure your cards can strut their stuff in M1NT Cases.

Which companies? I have no clue, but it sounds like there might be some synergies between reholdering with grading companies and the M1NT case? I’m intrigued.

How Big of a Card Can M1NT Handle?

For now, it sounds like only your standard-sized cards, but there are plans to hold and showcase those chunky relics. (Right now, my favorite thing to do is to drop a Gold Label framed card into a one-touch. The sound and feel is magic.)

Anyway, a short but sweet post for now. Really just trying to help get the word out, but from the looks of it and the reception so far, I’m not sure M1NT will really need that much help.

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