
What is a Donruss Press Proof?

Ryan Barone
(@ballcardgenius, Card Expert) is a lifelong member of the hobby. He has been quoted in PSA Magazine, and his content has regularly been mentioned in “Quick Rips” (the Topps RIPPED Newsletter) and across other hobby publications. hello@ballcardgenius.com; Last Time Ago LLC dba Ballcard Genius.

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A Donruss Press Proof is a parallel card set found in Donruss products across different sports including baseball, basketball, and soccer. For example, on the 2018 Donruss baseball checklist, Gold Press Proofs are /99 while Press Proofs are /5.

As you can see below, the card is a parallel of the base version, but says “Press Proof” on the front (under the name on this one) and is serial numbered in the bottom left corner.

As for why Donruss chose “Press Proof,” in the context of sports cards, a “press proof” refers to a pre-final version of a card that is produced as a test or sample during the printing process. Press Proofs are typically marked in some way to indicate that they are in fact proofs, and they are not intended for general distribution or sale. They might have a different color border, a stamp indicating they are a proof, or other distinguishing features.

I wouldn’t say these “Press Proof” cards that Donruss includes as parallels are actual proof cards, but rather just a naming convention (like Stadium Club uses “Photographer’s Proof” and Diamond Kings sets use “Artist’s Proof”).

You might also be thinking about Printing Plates, another type of baseball card insert and parallel. The difference here is that the Printing Plates included in packs of cards are actual plates used in the printing process (of which there are usually four, one for each color, making each one on their own a 1/1 because it’s the only one in the product).

Beyond baseball cards, a “press proof” is akin to a chef preparing a single dish for a customer to taste and approve before serving it to a large party. In the printing world, it’s that test print made on the actual printing press using the designated inks and materials.

Before printing a large batch of brochures, for instance, the printer might produce a single press proof. This allows the client to check the colors, image placements, and overall design in real-life conditions. If the client approves, the printer proceeds with the full order, ensuring that the final brochures match the approved sample. If not, adjustments can be made before the bulk printing begins.

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